I woke up to a usual sultry summer morning at 4, 5, 6 and finally 7 Am. Remembered it's my friend's birthday, called her up to wish her, cursed my self for not doing so at 12, called another idiot like me and reminded her the same.
We decided to start to her house at 10. Well, 10 stretched into 11 and 12 and Yashu came home and called me. We went there.
I saw a dozen chattering, lively colorful girls all over the house, got introduced and stuff. I greeted aunty and it's such a sad plight that she had been cooking all day, i mean, they are the ones who go through all the pains to give birth and they are the ones expected to work like mules on those babies birthdays, it's the same with my birthday too. Such ungrateful children we all are. And god knows what makes them happy that way. She wasn't grumbling or complaining, I don't think she even thought of doing so. She simply wanted to do her best by her daughter just as mothers always do, the thought of trade and expectations donot enter their peripheries i suppose. And yes, by the way, the dozen dishes she cooked in one morning, all turned out to be one of the most delicious Ive eaten. It's been long since I ate such hot and fuming mother's cooking in the afternoon. My mum works. And currently, she's on a trip to Kerala..I kinda missed her a lot while I was eating all that.

After the food, the girls again rolled and chattered while I slept in my friends lap. She was stroking my hair and playing with it absent mindedly for almost an hour and a half. I slept like hell. Man, women are so kind, selfless and nurturing. Sweet, plain sweet till they start serving you. And then, they turn out into absolute bullies, given a chance, theyd kill you with the sheer amount of food they'd make you gobble. No exaggeration. I have never been bullied over food that way by anyone, ever. No, not my grand mother, or mother, or aunts or sisters compare to them. Aunty, the person who cooked, simply asked a couple of times and stood by silently not accepting her deserved compliments fully. She didnot bully us. The others did. No offense Ravali.

Oh well, I had this sweet and fresh mango juice and all. Had fun, then after a little chaos about a lost mobile they all went home. Only three of us school time friends had been left over. The birthday girl went to dedicate a few minutes to the family and we were left to watch a movie playing in the pc. Karthink calling karthik, It was dull, dark and slow. I wish we watched Simha instead. Well, anyway, then my fingers started itching and I took these pics...After that session, we just lay on bed, talking of school days and college days, prejudices and boys. I don't know how important what I heard is, I simply know that that moment is. Important. Very. The afternoon sun and hot wind were blowing in the room. We had a full meal, and our heads felt slow like some dull thudding heat was punding lazily inside it, not painfully but drowsily. Like a part of your mind is too sleepy to work and another part is all sharp and fit not allowing it to drift completely. So we talked. It was easy to move our lips and close our eyes. And in those dull confiding words and secrets we forgot to tell each other(me and ja), there was an apology. For all the time we could not spare each other. For our inability to hold each other evenly significant through time. Because our priorities change. Because we forget friends till we strongly pull forward the number of emotional transactions we have had with each other. Because, once we go home and enough time passes, there would be left only an impression of the happiness. A video in our heads..till we hear that voice again. That confiding, comforting voice that brings out the best in you. Simply because, we have seen other's worst and still held on and will go on. Because nothing I do can push her away and vice versa. The only thing that can make us drift is time. All these words are left unsaid in the mind. But they bake themselves into fluent expressions, said without thought or effort but said best without meaning to be said so. I could've gone on listening and talking to her forever. But could and did are different things. Our school pals were coming by. Me and ja, got into Yashu's dresses, got all pretty, went up, met friends, our batch, out sssssy batch with anu and teju dropped by in the end. There was another cake-cutting session and we got onto the roof, sat there on the water tank, over looking the place. We posed and posed for pics.. dozens of them. I sat between Sushie and Shweta, and yes, I know I'm smart. Theyr'e both strong contestants for the sweeest girl of the century badge. Wouldn't harm a thing ever unless it's themselves. We went down, and me and ja exchanged our dresses and had another photo session while the others waited for us. Then we skipped dinner. Man, i still regret it, and aunty made biryani again..I went home and got hungry there.

And I remembered, I didnt wish Yashu a Happy birthday last year. And this year, it was like one of the most important events of a most beloved friend, like it had been before we got into bachelors.