Reading Blogs
Im new to blogging…and I picked up a real bad time to start it. I have finals in a month and am completely unprepared to face them.
Talking about blogging…I haven’t seen many blogs, but the few I saw were so good they made up for the time I lost in prep.
Now I’m almost afraid of looking at another blog because I want mine to be like theirs..not about how impressive but how warm and simple their blogs were. When I was reading a few of them, it was like, I could see what they saw, feel what they did and in the end, I could only be grateful to them for taking the effort to post such valuable information.
Each blog had a different touch, (because it maybe rude to name and dissect them..i wont post the names of the blogs) there was this blog with ink and pen and watercolour cartoons, i saw how people around the world are pursuing passions. Where I stay, we are so tuned to studying , finding a job and settling in life..that every slight variation looks like an inspiration to pursue something different, something new.
There was also this blog talking about travelling around the world..he says, “never say no”. I couldn’t have agreed more. I wish I can face things like him, unafraid, eager to experience and have a readiness of acceptance of every experience like it was precious. I want to be able to look back, see and accept the cons of life like the piece of a puzzle, each part however different is essential in creating the whole picture. By the time I finished reading his first post..i was already regretting about my little and negligible travel experience. I wish I can pursue ideas with his conviction.
There’s more to his blog…the way he explained things, everything was so detailed and simple.
He seldom used words like awesome, marvelous, fantastic, cool , brilliant, wonderful….which made his blog seem convincing and honest. I’m impressed. But don’t expect that from me. I’ll continue being easily awed.
I saw another blog which was also very simple…it talked about daily routines...with an unaffected air.
There was also this blog where a girl was doing 365 nail designs or painting or whatever they are called, each for each day of the year. What patience. She not only paints…but posts on how she painted, what inspired her to paint that particular design with pictures on the blog. Either she has endless patience, endless time or is endlessly dedicated to nail art. Then suddenly the nails I just keep biting away acquired a new importance.
In the end, I’d like to tell u about my best friend’s blog. To be honest, she was lazier than me…she posted 3 posts in 2 years..but one of the post started somewhere and just got deviated to me..and how valuable friendship is and all and went on that way till the end of the post. I thought it was silly of her to mix-up different emotions and write things that would make her seem like a conventional muddle head. But it made me so happy to be remembered, so cherished to have her and I loved the blog…I don’t know how many times I’ve visited it, I keep going back just once, once again.
And my title known strangers is so because when I read the blogs I was able to frame images of them if not accurate, at least interesting.
And yea...Thank you every blogger not for reading this, but for having a blog I can read.
Thank you again and again till a millionth time for giving me such a dynamic reading experience no book has ever presented.
Ill keep visiting and posting till I grow tired of blogs and eventually, as an additional benefit I might just learn to do that well. Though I couldn’t care less about the quality of my performance or writing..i’m more concerned with being myself and not getting lost in expected standards and expected formats…we face so many of them everyday that the little chance we get to be heard regardless of the impressions we create on others become very important foundations of holding our distinct self…anyway, before I get anymore carried away. Bye.
Of all the activities I knew, reading was the most boring thing for me. But not any more. Thanks for blogging :)
after reading the blog abt fundemental rights no one believe that you are new to blogging and any grammer mistakes excuse me ,
hey u got a simplicity in ur writing which is by the way nice :) and m rishabh a blogger u can check my blog -
when you told me about your blog,i was expecting movies,books,friends or even school.but lol i guess people never stop surprising you.i love how you talked about things so passionately and with a personally,makes me wanna start a blog myself.yes i know that sounded really cheesy,let that pass for merlin's sake,just this once.god im giving such long winded comments,people are probably gonna realise i have no life.*smacks head*.
well so anyho,keep blogging,ciao!!
after reading your blog,no one would believe that you are new to blogging....
you are always with suprises girl...
things rnt always both simple and have done just that SINDHU
keep blogging yushka
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