Lots of laughter.
There is no introduction para.
Under the name of democracy, they pass the reins of a country from son to son, through lineage. The oppositions are separatists feeding on differences rather than strengthening the similarities. And the oppositions are oppositions because they do in the morning what the administration does at night. Between the very dangerous and the less than very dangerous, my only defense is a vote.
A rubber stamp that enables every law-abiding dutiful citizen to fool himself into believing he counts. A prime minister sits there under a government struggling for it's own existence. The government which is unable to agree upon a decision. And that government and it's representatives make decisions regarding 'nuclear bombs' among us. And that decision is named yours and mine because we voted. Because we voted for the wind, water, life, skies, our families and the wonder of earth - a possibility of extinction. Because we voted fear? No, we didn't. We voted danger.
They can brand you, they can break you, they can take everything you love and cherish and you know there would be no place for justice. The best we can do, is to escape from their view. Take care we do not question too much, too loud or too honest lest we be made to enter the big game as a small pawn.
My friends all tell me, stop thinking, be crazy, have fun. They sound like pleas of loved ones asking me to be ignorant because the ugliness outside is too large to fight or to live without a fight. The possibility that we haven't really grown as social animals, we have simply destroyed everything that binds us together to the earth and are moving towards a dismal walls in darkness is a sad one ne? As in, we know that one more plastic covers puts one more question mark over our existence, but we go on thinking someone by that sometime will know to do something, Will pull us from the mess we have created(with the exception of those who do not think at all). We know they're talking about 'nuclear' there, but we sleep thinking our thoughts do not matter. It just so happens that they really don't. None of my thoughts or yours matter.
We cannot protect ourselves against the opposition with the lashes of so called Indian culture...what is Indian culture? No person, religion, god, man or book can prescribe it. So they use the imaginary evils of the mind to destroy our neighbors. The real inhabitants, adivasis, are left to serve a greater purpose ? What purpose? Lol.
Then there come absolutely powerless common men, with a thorough lack of 'Chillar' or 'kantri' qualities... made to believe we count. We do? Lol.
Morals, honesty, sense of judgement, skill and hard work are separated from happiness.
They give us the crumbs of comfort in the name of technology and keep the power themselves. What they do not wish to tell us are 'Confidential government' information. But I thought they were public servants..? Lol. It's all catch-22. Those who question are branded rebellious or crazy and made to continue to serve. Those who do not anyways serve.
Why must my blood be drained in the form of taxes...Why must I pay an income tax when I'm paying taxes in the form of roads, housing, water, transport, etc. etc. ? Why must I pay more tax because i work more and earn more. Why am I being penalized for my efficiency? Whom do I question? Where do I ask? Who is responsible to answer me?
The government during elections?? Lol! They don't need to. They are all very united in this aspect, they all take care not to give us any more than we are used to. We know we won't ever have to wake up to a surprise of an honest admission or the result of thoughtful effort.
After all, aren't most of us the same? We use all the loop holes we can for the gratification of our wants and then we expect someone else to be self less. Isn't going to happen. The first honest step into politics will face the greatest risk of head, or maybe there have already been many first steps, maybe they aren't heard of because people like you and me, refused to support or follow them. What comes out of strengthening the good? Nothing, but out mistakes exposed. We won't. That's what the movie politicians say too.
The only reason to work for is that the society moves in unpredictable circles of change. Unless we stand up for what we believe as right, no one else is going to stand for us. But if we do stand, we face a risk of broken legs( Catch-22)The former is a future possibility, the latter is true. We all know. I didn't write all this to inspire. I wrote it to just laugh at my complaints.
MORAL: It's isn't anything I made up, It's Darwin's theory of nature that says " It isn't the strongest or the most intelligent that survive but the most adaptable." Lol! learn to bend lower, go unnoticed honey, that's the best advice anyone can give you. The advice we fought when we saw the first bribe being given or taken in front of our eyes. That Darwin's theory holds us closer to the nature more than any philosophy. Bribe, be happy. But make informed decisions. When you go to bribe remember not to expect justice. Remember you've insulted it right in the face. And no person need come to bail you out of the chaos result of your own actions. Suffer, be happy. Isn't that what your life is all about?