The plants that grew or are growing in our house
I have no rights on them. Whether they live or they don't is all the responsibility of my brother. Though yes, once a month, under unavoidable circumstances, I water them with a sleepy or a sour face. I like plants. I just am too lazy to care for them. When I grow up, I ll have sturdy trees that require little care. Meanwhile, the only part of these plants that belong to me are the photos.

My brother bought this Black rose plant...well, he calls it black, the rest of us call it Red. It lived for a season spreading absolute beauty and it died sometime back, he trie. I always thought it's petals looked like velvet.

I don't know this one's name either. I brought it from grandma's house in Penamaluru to Hyderabad. It lived in the rich loamy black soil of the village and looked very strong. I didn't have the heart to watch it's roots being uprooted by ammamma to give it to me. It hurt. But well, I took care of it though tiring bus journeys, handled it like glass and crystal and brought it home successfully. When my brother told me to get the pots and mud for planting it. I delayed it for almost four days. It stayed there in the balcony in a bucket of water.Finally brother gave up, got the required material and won the plant. He tended it. It's his I believe. And in rainy evenings when I stand out there in the balcony and look at it. It reminds me of my failure. Anyway, it lived through all the mess and is currently flourishing. I wish I could move it into a larger pot. I won't, it's a boring task.
There are more plants to write about. A lot more. But they'll come tomorrow.
I am going to buy a small plant to keep it right beside my bed...a company for me :) or to watch it like an NGC
we share the same streak here cher, even i love plants, but am too lazy to water them...nurture them...but luckily for me, i have so many of them around me that i don't need to remeber where which one was bought or brought from.
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