Monday, September 19, 2011


Warangal and Laknavaram

Lol.. I went there looking for lots of water and moon light and I came back with something better and different.
By the way, this isn't an entry about the place, the place is a disappointment and has little or nothing to do with anything I have to say. Actually, the whole trek ended up as an excuse for socializing in the end.
The day before the trek, I considered my self a girl with a little rotten attitude, lots of cynicism and self-love. I was a happy person, crazily happy person, with little reasons to feel otherwise. I was there whenever my friends needed me, if I lifted the phone. I was so busy building up myself all the time.. I simply didn't care for anyone else. I didn't mean to hurt anyone wantedly.. but now even remembering so many names seems like pricking me.. I've been such an idiot to all of them. I'd go on treks, be friendly, laugh with them, share and completely open up to them.. and two days within my return.. they's disappear. I'd simply not care enough to call back to them when I see the dozens of missed calls. I wouldn't message them. I wouldn't acknowledge anything. And if by chance we come into touch again, I'd open up all over again and renew the friendship.. but most of them passed. We don't have many second chances and we don't live in movies where once we cut off from a person we end up meeting them again and again in streets and shopping malls till we make up with them.
It's not that I didn't care to support them or anything. It's just that I didn't care enough to show them they could have my hand when they needed me. Just that, sometimes to joke or while waiting at the bus stop, they would never think of calling me coz I made sure my time was not there for them.
The policies were very convenient. I'd live in the moment. Like everyone in the group picture. Smile and move on. In case someone tried to hold me beyond.. well, they never could. It was like the way I behave whenever something annoys me.. go into the room and close the door. Sometimes I wish I could go back. It's so simple. You give little and you expect negligible from any person and you like them always.
And then there was this trip..
the place was a disappointment. What was supposed to be some super deep lake turned out into ankle deep mush. Instead of the shady rainy weeks we've been having all month.. the sun screamed murder exactly on our appointed day with a clear bright and hot sky. While the supposed to be star studded night turned out into a cloudy dark night with almost no to not a single star status. The dried up lake area with tiny grass shoots were our exploration sites and the wonderful 1000 pillar temple of Warangal turned out into a little temple with lots of cuts.. that made it's wall look like pillars.. which btw weren't thousand or anywhere near it. The autos were amazingly slow or broke down in between the roads. Special offer says that our organisers have never been to the place out of which one can hardly even communicate with the localites. But I laughed through each and every moment of it. I don't believe in the reasoning that everything happens with a reason or for the better.. I just believe that things happen.. but dude, I tell you, this trek pushed me pretty close to believing it. Nothing came as expected in this trek.. everything was unexpected and more beautiful because it was unexpected. Friends, the cake, the mush, the moon light, the red wattled lapwing, the pictures, the plains, the grass, one little fire fly and all that laughter, so much so much of it bubbling and bursting through my throat.
There were moments when I felt so happy that everything that went wrong throughout the years, went wrong on purpose to make it happen. To make the days that followed the trek happen. To make my friends happen. Today, I can see them fade. See them get busy, see me go back slightly to my old ways.. but hell, I've never been the same as I was because I went there.
Because they taught me what an interesting thing life could be if people paid a little more concern towards each other. Showed each other sometimes how much they loved them. I've had so many amazing birthdays that till last year.. when it failed just once, just slightly, I realized how bad it could be.. and just when I was expecting another flop.. or rather.. fearing another flop birthday.. preparing myself to go away somewhere for that one day.. at 12 in the mid-night they came.. and boy, they gave me gifts.. lol.. I know it's a cliched thing to say.. but the gifts didn't matter one tiny bit as much as the thought that went into them.. the little details they took care of.. the powerpuff girls stickers, my pictures, the mug with Joey stuck in the left corner.. the mid night surprise.. mm.. wait a min.. this is about the trip right... gimme a minute..
Yeah, now going back to the trip.. I met those guys in the station.. as usual I started blabbering something, and blabbered, and blabbered and went on.. I gave poor Joey such a headache.. haha.. and there were Fuz, Satya and Vamsi, who'd always let me sleep on their shoulder.. Shweta.. who'd sing.. and sing.. and sing for so long.. you'd start wondering if it was a super power.. and the hi-powered dance through the songs...
And yeah.. there was this birthday celebration, mine and Poonam's celebrated a week early during the trek.. they carried the cake and all in secret.. and they waited for the moon to come out and gave me a blast.. and then there was the slushy mud bath they didn't say no to.. I love it about them.. they never say no to anything unreasonable as long as I don't hurt myself. And it's an important quality because it makes their yes's and no's matter. And for once, I let them matter. I don't know when it happened. But if they said no, I'd crib, whine, beg and everything, but I didn't do it. I didn't myself realize I liked them so much till I.. well, till I missed hearing them. Till I fell a little ill again.. and there was noone to tell me no or to complain to, or to crib to, or to care the way they do. The way I like best. Lol, I hated it pretty much, but now I miss them ruffling my hair.. calling me a boy... and all that..
And by making me care, and making me happy, they taught me how pretty life can be if cared for. And when you're as happy as that, you'd want to shout and tell the world thank you.. for keeping me so happy and making me feel so secure. You'd also want to tell them the lesson that you learnt, that shutting yourself out or calmly passing by observing is easy.. but you've got a life and you've got to do something with it, and when you have it only once why not live it completely... why not sing and let the people around you know you love them, why not cry when they don't show enough and start singing "hello, I love you" again.. sing, laugh, cry, sing is obviously more complete than sleep, see and sleep, sleep. People are a complication, one hellova headache when you start giving a damn about them but some complications complete life. :D


Om said...

Yeehaw! You are back...You are back :D
Completely agree..a little gesture of care means a lottttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

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